
Monday 18 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 5

 I headed up North to Kidasi early this morning to try for a late Finsch's Wheatear. It was a 45 minute drive and I arrived at 8pm.

I knew exactly whwere to look as I'd been previously with the Birdlife Cyprus group in 2017. It was on the cusp of departure dates but birds were still being reported, so it was worth a try, besides it was another trip down memory lane. I like that!

I did my first "recce" in the car as the track was much improved...

I drove a fair distance but nothing was seen except for the hundreds of Jackdaws. I drove slowly back down, parked the car  and ascended once more on foot. I have to admit I didn't go as high as I had in the car but I still walked a fair distance. Twas a lovely fresh and clear early morning BUT there was still no sign of the Target Bird...

Now then Buzzards...again! The Jackdaws (70) alerted me to one circling above me. It soon drifted off North before I could get a decent photo. I was happy it was Common (71). I dropped back down to the car and waited some more. I did see a Whitethroat (72) briefly for another Trip Tick! Just as I was about to leave (yep that old chestnut) I picked another Raptor up in the distance...

As you can looked different! No doubt a Long-legged Buzzard (73) in my book...bearing in mind my experience of this Species is somewhat/very limited! Forgetting plumage for a moment, the "jizz" gave a VERY long-winged appearance. Regarding field marks, you can see even at this distance, the distinctive tail pattern...rufous with white base and the pale wing patches on the upper wing. This was a quality moment and one I'd been hoping to experience on the Trip. Your moment is the best moment...right?

The Bird never came close but I managed one that illustrates the wing proportions...

So no Wheatear but ample compensation here.

I arrived back in Kato Paphos at Noon and we went down to the Harbour for Lunch. After our chocolate Crepes and ice cream we took a stroll around the Headland. Unfortunately the wind had picked up, so Louise headed for the shops and I walked out to the point. I wasn't expecting much in the conditions but there were still Red-throated Pipits about and an Isabelline Wheatear...

I then spotted a small Wader flying East that fortunately dropped down onto the tideline. After around 10 minutes I re-located it...

Common Sandpiper (74)

As said on many occasions I'm well aware of the vagaries of the WWW when posting my stuff and am flattered that you give your time reading my pearls!? I know many of you can read between my lines.

After the recent Asian Desert Warbler episode I keep hearing of reports of Grey Plover on the Headland. Let's just say I'm only seeing Golden. A House Martin was a nice bonus as I left.

After picking Louise up at 3 we headed for Mandria. I was going to have a last trawl along the beach but...I didn't...

We enjoyed the Kite Show celebrating Clean Monday (first day of Lent in Eastern Christianity)...

I nearly ticked this one!

A pleasant relaxing end to the day...

Trip Total - 74 Species

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