
Sunday 17 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 4

Today was an excellent one. We'd already decided to have a walk around the new Headland path when news broke that a couple of Greater Sand Plovers had shown up. This is a regular spot for this sought after Species but sightings can be erratic.

As I scanned the area I could see a couple of Golden Plovers...

One of

Further scanning drew a blank for 10 minutes, then...there they were, by the tideline...

A "much hoped for" Bird on the Trip but not guaranteed. After watching them from behind a rock I let them be and moved back to the path. Louise had decided to walk back to the Apartment for some exercise, while I Birded the area further. I had permission lol! She later told me it was 3.3 miles...a good effort!

I had another look for the mysterious Asian Desert Warbler but unsurprisingly there was no sign? It became apparent that there were still some Red-throated Pipits moving through, so I tried to get some more photos of this stunning Pipit. I walked back and forth along the excellent new path but being Sunday it was understandably busy with plenty of people enjoying the sunshine in still conditions.
I then noticed something below me in the vegetation at close range. It was a RTP totally unconcerned by my presence!

I'm being spoilt by this Species...

Birds DO have expressions!

After Lunch I had a couple of hours up at Anarita first visit. It was very quiet as I made my way towards the Goat Farm. As I passed a small stream, a Green Sandpiper flew up. I pulled over and waited...

A Snipe was also present.

Little Owl is a Species that can be found here but last Year I dipped. Better luck this time, early doors, as I drove up a steep track...

Note the body position, it was aware!

After returning to pick the boss up we headed down to Mandria for the rest of the day...besides, the Beach Bar is now open for the season! After dropping Louise off I headed for Mandria Gardens to check out the temporary pools crated there by the irrigation pipes. Water always good for birds in otherwise dry areas. I parked up and waited. A Hawfinch had been reported here. It didn't appear but I had an excellent hour adding a decent number of Species to my Trip List...

Little Ringed Plover...

Black Francolin (Heard)
Eastern Subalpine Warbler
Eastern Bonelli's Warbler...

Song Thrush

On returning to the Beach Bar to pick her up, I noticed a lone Bird perched on the back of one of the chairs...

Black Redstart at Dusk

You've gotta love Cyprus!
Trip Total - 69 Species

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