
Friday 15 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 2

 I was on Site at else was!?

It was a lovely fresh morning with a moderate breeze. All the constitutionals were out and about but the atmosphere was convivial and the Birds that were present, didn't seem to mind. I scanned the area around the "pin" thoroughly and for a good while but nothing showed. However, there were plenty of Pipits and Wagtails to check through. Eventually I found a subject that fitted the bill...

Red-throated Pipit

I reckon there were at least 20 Birds scattered around the area giving superb close views (my best ever) in the early morning Sunshine...

Cracking Birds...

"Feldegg" Yellow Wagtails played harder to get...

Like a lot of Species the colours stand out in the superb light...

A couple of Golden Plovers were hiding in the rocks...

Alas no Greater Sand though?

Also a shout out to the humble White Wagtail...

A few Gulls drifted past and I thought I had 3 Audouin's...BUT they had drifted off into the Sun before I could be sure!? I did "snatch" a Baltic though...just...

Colin Richardson later reported a GREAT BLACK-HEADED (always will be for me) West at Mandria during the morning. Maybe I missed it!!!?

The afternoon was spent East of Paphos at Agia Varvara then Mandria. The former initially produced Green Sandpiper and House Martin for the Trip List. The three pools were thick with vegetation making viewing very difficult. However there were a few flooded tracks, so we positioned the car so we could view them.mThey eventually attracted Serin...

Goldfinch, Linnet and Corn Bunting. The latter being part of a group of 15 in one bush...

Have to admit the Weather wasn't great today with frequent showers and significant cloud cover. The last hour was spent on the "front" at Mandria looking for Wheatears. They had been thin on the ground during my first two days but eventually I both Northern and Isabelline here in the fading light...

Isabelline at Dusk

We watched the Sunset, then headed "home"

Trip Total - 57 Species

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