
Thursday 14 March 2024

Cyprus 24 - Day 1

As usual I've pushed it a bit more than anticipated, despite purporting to give it the "chilled" approach!?We've just got back at 9pm but I'll give it a go.

Still...there you go. The morning was spent at the Archaeological Site, as it wasn't far away from the Mall...if you get my drift! I was first in at 8.30, picking up my OAP freebie ticket on the way. There are a few advantages of advanced age...not many!

I headed for the Site of  the Hume's Warbler, a hint of Deja Vu here after last year?

 ...No luck after 45 minutes BUT stunning prolonged views of this gorgeous male Redstart...

The light being slightly better than Holmpton! I scanned the ruin behind me thinking it looked good for Blue Rock Thrush...

That's how it went...honest!

A Crested Lark arrived...

...common but distinctive.

Other Species seen here included...

Hoopoe 3
Blackcap f
Red-rumped Swallow
Tree Pipit
Lesser Whitethroat
Zitting Cristicola

I also saw a flock of Greater Short-toed Larks (6) further down the track...

I returned to the Hume's Site to give it a second "go". It was 10.30 now and things were warming up (no complaints here). Then there it was, out on a dead snag momentarily, just long enough for me to ID it with my bins...but not long enough for a pic...unfortunately. Bins or camera first? Bins quicker but no record. Camera gets a record...IF it focusses in time and you can get "on it"? It wasn't seen again, despite waiting another 30 minutes.

I picked Louise up from the Mall and we headed back to the apartment to pay the balance! As we'd sorted the logistics out I decided to head for Akrotiri as there were two prime targets over there. It's only an hour on the excellent Motorway and besides there's another Mall there for Louise! After a coffee I headed for the Gravel Pits, armed with exact co-ordinates for the first target...LESSER-SHORT TOED LARK, which would be a Lifer for me. I had some trouble negotiating the myriad of tracks out there but eventually arrived at the exact spot, which was confirmed by the presence of 2 Cypriot Birders. It was VERY windy but the small flock of Larks was present and after a short while I was happy I'd identified the correct one!!

Relieved I headed back a more direct way to the the Marsh. Here I was to try for the WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER which would be another Lifer!! Alas, it wasn't to be despite a 2 hour vigil. I was definitely in the right spot; again confirmed by passing Birders. Maybe the strong wind had played a part? Almost certainly. I will return!

I enjoyed some excellent Birding whilst waiting. Species included Spur-winged Plover (my preference)...

Cattle Egret
Black-winged Stilt (10)
Ruff (12)
Marsh Harrier

I'll do some initial totting up tomorrow (and maybe post a few more pics from today), as news had just broken this evening...

ASIAN DESERT WARBLER at Paphos Headland...exactly the spot I was going to anyway to look for "Phil's" Tree Sparrow!

Stay tuned...

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