
Friday 29 December 2023

Visiting Over!

The last few days have been spent travelling Lancs and Yorks to see various relatives and exchange presents. Very enjoyable it was too.

Today it was time for a drive over to Duff. I arrived just after 10.30, gave Bud the obligatory stretch then headed for the Hide to join Haydn who'd just arrived from "Skippy". The water level was still high but I reckon it had receded some 6' allowing Wildfowl and Waders access to the Riverbank at last. It was quite a spectacle with 1000's of Birds on show. Masses of Lapwings with a sprinkling of Dunlin (c60) and Ruff (c10). Whooper Swans were more in evidence over the Reserve with a few small groups heading South, no doubt for the farm fields across the road...

Always an impressive sight.

We couldn't pick out any Scaup (although a Drake was reported after we left). Haydn had to leave and he mentioned he'd be stopping at Thorganby to look for the Drake Smew...I joined him. Unfortunately we couldn't locate it in the 30 minutes before he left for home. I gave it another hour but still no joy. I enjoyed the visit though as it gave a different aspect of the LDV...

Ellerton Church

Aughton Church

Great scenes of the flooded Valley. Pity the sunshine didn't last long; we need as much as we can at this time of Year!

My Minder made sure no-one sneaked up on me...

Unfortunately one of my old "war (Footy) wounds" has flared up, which will limit my mobility for a while. However, I WILL still be out there searching...I'll just have to adjust my strategy.

I'm in the process of completing my Review of the Year. Stay tuned...

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