
Sunday 31 December 2023

Review of the Year 2023

Here we go then...there's nothing on Tele'...

I'm (hopefully) always aware of repetition BUT it's inevitable here. Obviously you can peruse the Blog (if you're having a slow day) for the FULL details of the Highlights. I'm sure you can figure the dates out. Here, I'll try and give an interesting Summary? To try and condense the length of the report, I've posted smaller images, a simple click gives a larger view.


8 additions, namely...




, Summer and Autumn action at various points of Britain. I definitely earned the BWK in July. The moment it appeared in the bush at Dusk when hope was fading with the daylight, will live long in the memory, especially as I almost turned back through lack of updates. The gamble I took on the Scillonian for the RFB in August was also VERY satisfying, even though I could have still twitched it during my Scilly holiday in October!!! Not to know of course. The former route was far more exciting though and the stunning views of large Shearwaters was the icing on the cake for this confirmed landlubber!

The "Welsh Warbler Trio" experience in September was truly mind-blowing!!! A freak weather system had turned South Wales into Scilly/Shetland! Having connected with the superb MW at dawn on the Thursday, I still give myself a "pat on the back" for having the foresight to book a place on the boat to Ramsey Island for the BBW on the Saturday...even though it meant returning to South Wales almost straight away!! Things got even crazier on the Saturday morning when news broke of the CW (some 30 miles away) while Birders were about to board the first boat!!! The look on hardened Twitchers faces as they debated whether to board the boat or not was priceless! Never say never BUT I can't see a dilemma like that happening again? It did take the edge off the boat trip experience, unfortunately, as I had to give myself enough time to make the CW...which was an inevitable "bun-fight" due to the location. A delightful Island though and my second visit after Twitching the INDIGO BUNTING in 1995. THREE American Warblers in THREE days...UNBELIEVABLE Geoff!

The subsequent trip to Tiree for the YW was a wonderful Twitch. Good company, decent weather and a cracking Bird. Nice to get it back after 19 years! I couldn't make the PARULA on Scilly due to commitments and bad weather. 4 out of 5 ain't bad. An amazing Year for American Warblers when you key in other Species that made it, including THREE BLACK AND WHITE WARBLERS on Bardsey Island...and another CAPE MAY on Scilly. Incredible!!!

My Total now stands at 545.


Penduline Tit 

Brown Booby

Red-headed Bunting

I finally added PT to my List at Scarborough. I'd waited a looooong time to get this one back after misinterpreting the message about the Hay-a-Park Bird of 1992. It was a good job I arrived at dawn as the Bird had departed high West at 7.30 never to be seen again! A special moment. The BB tested my limited fitness at Humanby Gap before eventually giving itself up, later in the day after my Hospital visit! I also saw it VERY well later in the month at South Gare with Haydn. 

My total now stands at 401

The RHB is er...pending!?


Glaucous Gull
Hooded Crow

Eurasian Bee-eater

Green Woodpecker

A combination of luck, local grapevine and coverage enabled me to add the above Species to my Holmpton List this Year. After the GG was seen at Easington, I (remarkably) saw it by the second pill and then the Sewage within an hour! A quick drive at dusk acting on info' enabled me to connect with the HC which was walking around the Hollym road in the twilight. The PH was a combination of luck and strategy as I drove up to Cliff Farm just in time for it to pass right over the car! The EB moment was the highlight though, especially as I could have missed them! A dream sighting of 12 no less, on the Clifftop. Seen inland the day before, of all the Villages they might have stopped off at on their way back South...they chose mine. Wonderful!!! A flight view of a GW on Snakey was definitely a surprise and a BIG bonus.

My "back-end" Birding fizzled out to be honest with little seen of significance barring the superb male Black Redstart down the road at With', which was a beacon in the gloom...

My Total now stands at 194
Year 129 - must do better


Squacco Heron

Bar-tailed Godwit
Reed Warbler
Grasshopper Warbler
Cetti's Warbler
Willow Tit

Re-finding the SH was the undoubted highlight after twitching it earlier in the day at Bank Island for my York Area tick. I finally added a few predicted Species including CW and GW with the help of younger ears! 

My Total now stands at 167.
Year 105 - my Best

York Area
Squacco Heron
Black Kite
Grey Phalarope
Purple Sandpiper

Four quality additions I think you would agree? All twitched from home. The BK was a pleasant evening twitch again in June and typically didn't linger and the PS was an excellent addition considering the weather and accessibility issues. Again a "one-day" Bird.

My Total now stands at 239.


Purple Heron
Cory's Shearwater
Spotted Flycatcher

I chased the PaHa on arrival in poor weather, even going across to Tresco (on my own), to no avail. I eventually had a decent, if distant flight view with Pete Greaves as it left the Islands. The radio helped me connect with a fly-over PuHe. I've already mentioned the spectacular CS experience in August. I just managed to catch the Ruff at Porthloo before it departed and the SF on the Garrison gave me the run-around before it eventually gave itself up. My 3rd GREY-CHEEKED THRUSH is definitely worth a mention...

as is viewing both Little and Lapland Bunting simultaneously on a farm track!

My Total now stands at 247.




Hume's Warbler 
Jack Snipe
Spotted Redshank
Savi's Warbler

THE DC was quite an event at the East of the Island. After some confusion early morning, I was able to get great views of the Bird with the help of Matt Smith. A MeWa was incredibly found at the same site!! The Eastern end also allowed me to add BTL at Cape Greco at the end of the Trip. Mandria attracted a stunning MoWh (one day) and a mobile BBS. Chuffed to find a BBS at Lady's Mile, Limassol

My Total now stands at 217.

The Black-throated Thrush at Wykeham in February is worth a mention as is the Drake Smew (always special) seen at Tophill Low. An Osprey South at Patrington Haven in April was pleasing, as was the Oak Woodland visit to the Peak District in May for Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Nuthatch. A Ring-necked Duck at Spurn in June was a nice addition, as was the Pacific Golden Plover in July. Onto November and the superb juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard at Stone Creek was appreciated to the full, accompanied by three Hen Harriers and double figure Short-eared Owls.

That tidies things up for 2023.

All the Best for 24...

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