
Friday 8 December 2023


Early start (for me) this morning, leaving home at 7.30. I arrived at Duff just after 9. The customary walk out to the Platform with my 4 legged friend paid off when a couple of Stonechats appeared on the path fence briefly before continuing towards the River. Too quick for a pic.

As I returned to the car park a car pulled in. It was Tim Jones. After returning Bud to the car I joined him in the Geoff Smith Hide, it was good to see him. He was already "on" the Aythya flock at the extreme far end of the Reserve. He said he'd found something "interesting"? As I started to scan it became immediately apparent that the number of diving ducks had increased since my last visit on Tuesday. He gave me directions to the Bird in question which was a "Scaup type". He felt it may possibly be a LESSER!

The combination of distance and diffuse light excluded yours truly from a definitive opinion. There you go...

I estimated some 60 Tufted Ducks, 30 Pochard 15 Goldeneye and 5 Scaup. Excellent numbers for NDC. However, there was no sign of Tuesdays Red-breasted Merganser. A female Bullfinch was a nice surprise by the Hide...

...and a few Fieldfares enjoyed what was left of the fast disappearing berries...

Tim told me that another York Birder Chris Gomersall had seen SEVEN Willow Tits around the Hide! Raptors were represented by Marsh Harrier (4), Peregrine (2) and Buzzard (4). A Water Rail was heard.

I left at 1 and as I approached Howden I got a message off Tim informing me he'd picked out a Barnacle Goose amongst the Greylags. Missed that one!

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