
Wednesday 6 December 2023

Here Today

The sun shone locally today which was very much appreciated. Underfoot it was still rather...damp to put it mildly but the blue sky and still conditions more than made up for it.

After an initial stretch up at Cliff Farm (Buzzard gliding along the beach the highlight) we stopped of on Snakey "Wetlands"! The amount of surface water this Winter is unprecedented in my 12 years here and this is understandably attracting more Birds than usual on the normally bleak arable land. The PFG were present in force by the new Sewage Works near Hollym...

Also present was the largest flock of Lapwings (c200) I have ever seen here...

Eventually I took the plunge and walked Bud out along a path to the North to try and obtain better views of the Plovers and Geese. This decision paid off "in spades" when I spotted some white objects in the distance...

Little Egret (3)

More white objects...just  bigger...

Mute Swan (4)

THREE record counts, no less!!! Pun intended.

On returning to the car I spotted a covey of Grey Partridges (10)...crossing the road...

They didn't quite make it as I have seen a covey of 15 in the past. Plenty of Herons (12)...

...and Buzzards (6)...

...about also. A decent group of Golden Plovers (c100) over the Lapwings completed a grand morning out in the Sunshine...

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