
Tuesday 19 December 2023

Early Finish

Today's session at NDC was curtailed due to a misplaced delivery back home for which I had to return home...pronto!  Great to receive all the updates...until you get sent a photo of your parcel left outside someone else's front door!!! These things happen...too often?

The forecast was for a day clearing from the West, which transpired, trouble was, I was back on the A63 after a couple of hours heading East. Anyway before I left I had a few decent sightings and some excellent company. On arrival in the GSH a gentleman was already in situ. He informed me he'd seen Scaup on the river plus a few Ruff and Dunlin on the now exposed riverbank. We started to chat and it turned out he was a local Birder from Stamford Bridge called Stuart Rapson (I said I'd give you a mention)! He told me he'd got back into Birding fairly recently after retirement. I told him it was the perfect pastime to accompany it. He also mentioned he'd looked for the Drake Smew at Thorganby early doors without success. This was backed up when another Birder arrived having had a similar negative result. Hope to bump into you again soon pal.

I sorted the problem out on my return but that was the day was ruined to be honest. Never mind...



  1. Blimey, I remember Stuart from years back. Give him my best if you bump into him again.

  2. Will do. Had a decent chat. Great bloke.
