
Wednesday 20 December 2023

Christmas Cracker

I pinched the line Tim!

Struggled to fire this morning...which isn't that unusual to be honest, especially at this uninspiring time of Year. Still, the days get longer from Friday...there's optimism for you! Started down Snakey and as Bud was doing his duty a lone Goose passed high North. Nothing unusual there...or was there? A different call...a Canada Goose...far from regular in these here parts. Only my second record this Year. Further down the lane I noticed the 4 Mute Swans were still present adjacent to the Sewage Plant.

I was peckish by 9.30, so I decided to treat myself at Couplands in With', just to warm myself up you understand! Sausage, mushroom and tomato roll went down a treat. While I was tucking in on Withernsea prom' (trying and failing to ignore Bud giving the odd passing Dog the full treatment) I caught sight of a bird in the distance (50 yds) on the old prom' ruins. First thought...Robin. I lifted my Bins...that ain't no Robin? A brief glimpse...but enough. The fine bill and general jizz meant it could only be one Species. The Bird moved off as the Prom was busy with the usual joggers, Dog walkers etc. I grabbed my camera and walked up the prom' towards the ruins. Of sign! I waited...and waited. After around 15 reappeared...

A cracking Male!

Suddenly the day had got brighter...if not weather-wise!  The Bird was typically active and mobile and soon disappeared again. I waited...again. It appeared again, just long enough for me to get a closer pic...

Then it was gone...again. Despite an hours further searching, including a look around the Lifeboat Station...

Turnstones (9) feeding on seed

...I didn't see the stunner again. 

Well, what a surprise on a Winter's morning in Withernsea!! That's the beauty of our fabulous pastime, there's always a surprise around the corner...or along the Prom' in this case!

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