
Wednesday 1 November 2023


...between Autumn and Winter. I'm never quite sure where to draw the line...probably because there isn't one!

I'm still in the process of putting together my "Scilly Summary" but day to day Birding goes on. I've met up with Phil and Haydn over the last two days, Phil at Flamborough and Haydn at Duff'. The first experience was as dire as the Weather, well at least the morning was. The afternoon decision to visit Stone Creek worked out much better with great, if distant views of the gorgeous Rough-legged Buzzard. What a Bird!!!

On arrival...

c400 yds

Light and distance wasn't helpful but I managed one passable flight shot...

Also present were THREE Ring-tail Hen Harriers, half-a-dozen Short-eared Owls...

...and a couple of Marsh Harriers

Phil turned up again on the Clifftop this morning as I was walking Bud. He just missed the Woodcock that flew inland across the ploughed field. Always a fine sight to see this russet Wader...well. Thrushes were constantly coming "in off" as we talked, I sight I never tire of. He said he was heading to Kilnsea to try for the Long-tailed Duck (which he saw) and I headed for Duff via Hull.

I met Haydn around 11. He'd been there a while and had seen some good stuff from the Platform, including Great White Egret and  Kingfisher. We sat in the Geoff Smith Hide. Water was coming over the riverbank onto the Carrs which was great news for the forthcoming months.There were plenty of Raptors on show. The star bird was the ring-tail Hen Harrier (almost certainly last years bird returning). Also present were 4 Marsh Harriers, c6 Buzzards...including a very pale individual...making me think for a moment...

...2 Red Kites and 2 Peregrines. We also saw 3 Stonechats. Haydn heard some Redpolls and I heard a Water Rail when he went to look for them. There were decent numbers of Golden Plovers around also with many small groups flying South like bullets. It was a magnificent spectacle.

We'd discussed Cetti's Warbler a few times recently and there had been reports from here. Sure enough we eventually heard one give three short blasts. This was a new Bird for the Reserve for us. My 167th

Tomorrow I'll be ...local...

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