
Friday 3 November 2023


I started down at Stone Creek, arriving at 9...

I checked out the area Phil and I saw the RLB on Wednesday. No sign of it...or anything else for that matter! We walked up the road a fair way but still nothing. There was a moderate fresh Westerly coming off the Humber which may have explained it?
I returned to the car and drove up the long straight road. After a short distance I noticed a Hen Harrier quite close to the road...then another with it!! I pulled over and managed a few shots before they disappeared together over the road...

Cracking Birds...

Still no sign of the RLB by 10 so I left for Duff. I wanted to make the most of this lone sunny day! I arrived at 11.30 and head out onto the Platform. The view was breathtaking...

Hundrerds of Fieldfares were present feeding on the abundant supply of berries...

A group of 12 Long-tailed Tits passed over the water...

A couple of Marsh Harriers quartered the Carrs in the distance...

I decided to start down at Garganey Hide. This turned out to be a good decision as Marsh Harriers weer showing VERY well...

Then a large Egret at the far end of the Reserve...

Great White

The Hen Harrier didn't make an appearance for me today but somehow it didn't matter...

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