
Sunday 8 October 2023

Twitching Etiquette

A delicate subject. 

My local twitch to Hemingbrough re-kindled some less than desirable thoughts from the past regarding this matter which I thought I'd share with you at this appropriate time of Year. No names mentioned of course!

As I reached the Site I could see the area was fenced off with "do not enter" signs at regular intervals. As I scanned for the Bird I could see two Birders well inside the fence! During my two hour visit I must have spoken to around a dozen Birders, most of which didn't see a problem with climbing over the fence? I'll leave it there. It seems I was in the minority. It wasn't a surprise.

No judgments are being made here...just observations...and my opinion as always...which is I won't knowingly trespass. I realize I'm casting into the unknown as I don't know who's reading my "pearls of wisdom" but I DO know that I won't be entering into an endless tennis match of different views on this subject.

My dilemma these days is that I still love the challenge of a Twitch, you've probably gathered that. To add a Bird to my list is still a thrill, unfortunately the circumstances can be varied. No-ones fault, it's just the way it is. A recent comparison, on the same day, being the idyllic BAY-BREASTED WARBLER outing to Ramsey Island compared with the CANADA WARBLER bun-fight. Again...couldn't be avoided in the circumstances.

The Shetland Season is ongoing and I've been monitoring it from afar. Alas the weather hasn't been favourable and has limited Birding on more than one day! Heavy rain and strong winds are common there. Some love it...I don't! As you know I'm all for a challenge e.g. STELLAR'S EIDER...twice...on Papa Westray BUT it can be rather wearing if experienced on a regular basis! It's not meant to be an endurance it? Of course, some great birds turn up but the experience can be... challenging!

I've now "done" Shetland and Scilly, granted the latter far more. Any Rare Bird will obviously attract a crowd, some locations more than others. Shetland seems more fashionable these days especially with the younger pays yer money etc.

I'll be growing old (hopefully) Birding Scilly for a fortnight every October with my good lady, enjoying these wonderful Islands which are steeped in great memories...and great Birds...since 1991. Might be the odd cream tea in there somewhere. Recent records suggest the Fortunate Isles are still worth a look...













..and after all, they're just the icing on the cake...or maybe the cherry on top!

We travel down on Thursday...

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