
Sunday 8 October 2023

SEO - in off...

Ever thought you didn't deserve a sighting?

This afternoon was such a case in point...or point in case, as Stuart Pearce would say! We had a stroll down to the Cliff and as my pal was re-claiming his territory for the umpteenth time...I had a you do. It had been misty for most of the day but now it was sunny and clear. A gannet stood out clearly at some distance. I then picked up another "shape", an unfamiliar one in this situation. It was an Owl!!!

Cue fingers and thumbs moment. The bird was flying slowly yet buoyantly in line with the horizon at c 800 yds. I changed a couple of settings and tried to focus in on it. At first I couldn't locate it but eventually I "grabbed" an image...

Short-eared Owl (H.118)

I tried to turn it into a Long-eared but the dark wingtips told me otherwise! This was my 11th record for the Village BUT my first confirmed "in off the sea".

I also sneaked a Goldcrest (P.135, H.119).

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