
Monday 23 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 11

 An overnight thunderstorm with impressive thunder was followed by torrential rain for most of the morning. Yes...Scilly DOES get bad weather. The plus was there was no wind. I got wrapped up (or I thought so) and made my way around to Porthloo to search again for the Redstart that had been present there for a few days. Last time I concentrated on the Boat Yard but this time I focused on the beach and it eventually paid off, despite the deluge...

I returned to Hugh Town to meet Louise for a coffee around 11.30 to find yet another "waterproof coat"...wasn't!!!

After lunch things brightened up somewhat and I eventually ended up on the Garrison between Lower Broome and Morning Point. A samll group of Birders were present searching for the ever elusive and mobile Red-breasted Flycatcher. I don't have much luck with this Species but this afternoon I had great views through the "Bins"and managed a couple of dodgy "grabs"...

I bumped into a few more regulars namely Adam Hutt, Paul Freestone and Simon Slade. Simon is a keen British Lister also but we share a love of Scilly that outweighs a British Tick...although it can sting at times!

I sat on a bench at Porthcressa for the last hour picking up a few Cory's Shearwaters passing and deciding I was definitely at the right end of the Country at this time...

A couple more from recent days...

Stonechat, St Agnes

Mediterranean Gull, Porthcressa Bay

Trip Total - 86 Species

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