
Sunday 22 October 2023

Scilly 23 - Day 10

 Up early today on a wonderful sunny morning. A walk down Peninnis was the order of the day...yes look for a Ring Ouzel...and maybe something...else? I made my way up by Buzza again via Porthcressa...


View from the Top

Once on King Edward's Road I started to search the Thrushes. Far fewer than yesterday and no positive result. A lovely early morning stretch though. As I was descending I bumped into Dick Filby and joined him for the walk back to Porthcressa. This was the first time I'd had a one-to-one chat with him. Very enjoyable! He does a great job passing information on to Birders on the Islands...and I thanked him for it.

The Forecast was excellent so it was time for our annual visit to St Agnes (pasties ordered). Down to the Quay for 10...

...across for 10.35...

I decided to try Wingletang Down, a Dotterel had been reported there in days previous...

Quiet didn't cover it. Time for the...

Pub with a view...

...and superb Cornish Pasties! A Merlin flew by to add to the occasion. After lunch we had a walk over Gugh Bar...

...but little was seen.

Late afternoon produced a few Waders at Porth Killier...

Namely Redshank, Greenshank and Bar-tailed Godwit before we returned to St Mary's at 4.30. A poor day "Birdwise" but the main aim was to enjoy St Agnes with Louise in the Sunshine and we certainly did that!

This afternoon 75 happy Birders connected with the long-staying RED-FOOTED BOOBY which is remarkably still holding court in the Bishop Rock Lighthouse. It's been there 76 days now!!! Really pleased for some of the Scilly stalwarts who visit during "Teacher's Week". I remember it well.

Trip Total - 83 Species

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