
Monday 4 September 2023

Red-footed and Brown Boobies - A nice pair!

I'm allowed one joke.

If anyone had said I'd "have" 2 Species of BOOBY on my Bubo Badge...I'd have said...something rude! There it is though. Quite a day today, a day that encapsulated many aspects of Twitching. So here we go...

8.52: North Yorkshire BROWN BOOBY Hunmanby Gap adult on sea

Here we go again. After sorting Bud and myself out I headed North again and reached Bridlington by 10.30. I had Hunmanby Gap locked in the Sat Nav but then another message...

10.42: North Yorkshire BROWN BOOBY Filey adult on sea just North of Primrose Valley

What to do? The troops would be at Hunmanby BUT the Bird was now further North. I decided on Primrose Valley. The Sat Nav did well and I was soon at the car park. I grabbed my gear and had a look around; I couldn't see any Birders? Then I saw one and he was heading purposefully South I followed and called to him. He said he could see Birders further South, the question was how far South? Stick or twist...I twisted and followed him in the steadily increasing temperature. The terrain was shall we say...undulating. The further I went the less confidence I had in my decision. Turns out he'd seen the Birders at Hunmanby!!! I did a U-turn as I saw the cliff height from the beach and the disinterested group on the Clifftop.

Back to Primrose Valley. Of course, as I reached the car park I saw... Birders. I recognized Steve Routledge a Lincs Birder, he informed me he'd seen the Bird but it had flown South! Timing eh. "Shoulda, woulda, coulda" and all that.

Andrew Holden then turned up and the three of us scanned the Bay for a good while with no luck. I was kicking myself hard by now. Steve wished us luck and left as did I shortly afterwards as I had an unmissable Hospital appointment in Hull. Sure enough as I headed West out of Bridlington...another message...

13.26: North Yorkshire BROWN BOOBY Hunmanby Gap again on sea

Oh dear I thought. There was no time. Onward to Hull. My appointment at 2.30 was conducted on time thankfully and I didn't ask too many questions. I left Castle Hill at 3.10 and headed back to the Coast. It's a game!

This time it WAS to be Hunmanby Gap. Positive news at 3.30 helped the journey back and I arrived at the car park at 4.30. The group present looked focussed and sure enough the bird was on view at mid-distance. The relief of Mafeking!!!

My humble record shot but frankly...who cares!

The next hour was a joy as I enjoyed great views of the BROWN BOOBY through my trusty APO 62. It was VERY mobile covering most of Filey Bay at varying distances. The light was superb and the accompanying avifauna was significant. Wonderful! As I was leaving I bumped into Jim Bryce (I said I'd give you a mention). We had a good chat and were joined briefly by John Harwood. There were many familiar faces present, understandably for a First for Yorkshire.

Hopefully my tale conveys adequately the roller-coaster ride that is Twitching. The sweet connection mid-afternoon was enhanced by the morning dip and the "good boy" trip to Hull. So, my lucky streak continues as I connect again belatedly. Hope it lasts...

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