
Wednesday 6 September 2023

AMERICAN YELLOW WARBLER - Putting things in Perspective

Yesterday evening...

19.08: Shetland AMERICAN YELLOW WARBLER Foula at Ham

Well, well!

Memories of Barra, Outer Hebrides, 2004 came flooding back...bad ones! As with many MEGAS it's been found on a remote Island with difficult access. This one particularly so...not insurmountable though. The cogs started turning as they always do in these situations. 

2004 first then...briefly. I made the trip to Oban. The weather was horrendous on arrival and the Ferry to Barra was cancelled. I'd just had my hip re-surfaced but I was recovering fine. We decided to stay overnight hoping the conditions would improve...they didn't. The Harbour resembled a washing machine as we contemplated whether to travel or not. The Ferry was going and the Bird was still there. As previously stated I'm not the best on the I'm afraid it was mission aborted.

Fast forward to yesterday evening, I had a fish around on the internet, if only to pacify my curiosity. Foula is about as remote as it gets in Britain. It can be accessed by Plane (from Tingwall) and Boat (from Walls)...both on Mainland. I did actually ring Tingwall this morning as the Bird was still present, to ask about the logistics and a helpful chap informed me that it was very unlikely they would fly today due to low cloud and tomorrow (fully booked) was also in doubt? He also told me the plane would only take 7 adults. There's not much in the way of services on the Island unsurprisingly and there is the chance that although you might get may not get off! As for the boat, it's 2.5 hours each way on a no doubt lively sea and only goes twice a week. 

Add on the drive to Aberdeen and the Plane/ Ferry to Shetland and you've got a decent commitment! There you go...and I won't.

I hate turning a challenge down BUT I have responsibilities and at this particular moment in time I have to decline this one. My four-legged senior friend is a major consideration. As you know I like the excitement/RUSH of a twitch but some are more of a slog to be honest and I feel this would be such a one. Third time lucky, hopefully on Scilly!

American Warblers turn up every Autumn, it's just a question of which and where. I've seen a good number and missed a few for various, holidays etc. 

There'll be another...

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