
Friday 28 July 2023

Green Woodpecker! - 194

After yesterday's context sighting and considering the time of Year I wasn't expecting a follow up...but I got Spades!

An "incidental"sighting as Ebird calls it. Anyway, I was making my way along Snakey to fulfill an appointment when I noticed a large flock of Gulls feeding in the ploughed stubble. I didn't have time to stop but I did slow down hoping for a Mediterranean Gull. Then a lone bird flew West, low and quite close to the road. The flight was undulating and my first thought was Mistle Thrush

Fortunately it was heading in the direction I was driving and I was able to see...GREEN!!! It was a Woodpecker. My 192nd Species for the Village. Not bad for a "quiet" time of Year. Maybe another youngster? Unbeknown to me, Simon Brebner had one at Paul today and Tim Isherwood reported them present and breeding at Grimston. Twitter news. I also have this Species on my Spurn List.

A definite mid-summer bonus...

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