
Thursday 27 July 2023


A new slant on a old favourite. Not the Bird but the habitats! Some of the fields on Snakey have been harvested, revealing...not much...BUT...hope for the coming weeks. A few Gulls have arrived and a gentle stream of youngsters of common Species, which is always a positive development. A young Sparrowhawk was a nice surprise on Seaside...but wait? The bird flitted around briefly in deep shade; fortunately I'd remembered my old adage..."always have your camera" (I do still slip on occasion). I managed a pic before it disappeared...

On returning home and downloading the pic', it transformed into a juvenile Cuckoo (106)!!! I can't remember having seen one before? I definitely haven't seen one in Holmpton, in fact I haven't had a decent view of any Cuckoo here since 2019! In my defence, a brief view of a darting, slim bird in heavy shade did strongly suggest the former. The white nape patch, bill shape, dark eye, hints of rusty brown and white feather fringes...suggested otherwise. In context a fine record for the Village to boot, especially considering the paucity of records here...unfortunately. I wonder where it was born? Anyway, a "First for the Village"...of sorts!?

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