
Wednesday 28 June 2023

Filey Dams

Long time, no see...

Been around long enough to remember the opening of this place! The reason for my visit yesterday was a belated attempt to connect with the "summer duck". It had too long, with many fruitless visits to Duff included.

I gave it 3 hours, visiting all three hides ( I DO love a hide...if it's quiet)...

...but no sign of any of the 4 reported Garganey but the returning Wood Sandpiper was worth the visit, as was the Barn Owl in its nest box.

Coming across the memorial bench to Filey Stalwart Pete Dunn was a poignant moment which brought back memories of my Birding here in the late 80's. I can remember clearly hearing him discussing a twitch for the Bridled Tern on Anglesey and thinking... that's a long way!?


Glued to the Test Match today which allows me the chance to correlate a few of my Lists (multi-tasking)...eBird, Bubo, Old Thunderer. Always "fun" to be had with taxonomy of course!!

For the record...I finally settled on 236 for my York Area List...which was a surprise! I also finalized my Spurn List at 320. Both can be viewed by clicking the tabs above...if you're having a slow day. A consequence of age!

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