
Thursday 22 June 2023

BLACK KITE - York Area Tick Number?

As we all know...things can change...QUICKLY! Seemingly after my "Lull" post!

On returning from my Mother's in Bury...

The garden I grew up in

...and after saying goodbye to my Son Robert, before he returned to Dubai...

...I was rather tired. Of course the Birding Gods don't take things like this into consideration! I was just about to enjoy my evening meal when...

18.10: North Yorkshire, Black Kite at Elvington over cut hay field

As you're aware, I'm still quite keen on my York Area List having Birded there since, after making Louise aware, I grabbed my gear and headed for Hull and beyond. The traffic was thankfully light enabling me to reach the Site promptly. However, it wasn't clear (at least to me) where to walk having parked (which was also tricky). I gave Jono Leadley a call and he gave me excellent directions through the three fields. As I walked through the second field a Birder was returning and the pointed the way...which also eased the tension. I then saw Haydn waving and pointing along the far side of a hedge. I eventually made it (without falling) and thankfully the bird was sat in a Willow Tree...

BLACK KITE, Elvington

Now then...Provenance rears its ugly head...again. After the recent "Helmsley Bird" there HAS to be question marks...again. Is it the same Bird? I've no idea BUT it has to be a strong possibility. Time will tell. It's on my List...provisionally and will stay there until proved otherwise. I'm still in the process of finalizing my York Area List, which I've really enjoyed doing; going back over my records since 1986 has proved a challenge but with the help of my Old Thunderer aka Bird Recorder (floppy disc edition) I've been able to check historical sightings fairly easily. It seems I've accrued a decent list.

The bird was present early this morning today...

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