
Saturday 18 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 3

A day to dodge the rain...if possible. I did OK. Woke early and was driving the beach at Mandria at 6.30. First bird of note was a pair of Chukars as I approached the said road/track...

A striking Partridge, even in the gloom...


It was raining steadily but I was OK in the car and the various tracks here allow good coverage. Next was another addition to the Wheatear haul...a fine Eastern Black-eared...albeit very briefly...

Hopefully better views...and weather to come!

As we do, I was hoping for a "fall". There was definitely an arrival of White Wagtails (c100) but not a single Yellow? A bird then flew up of the shingle and landed on a frame. A rather distinctive Species...

Looking rather forlorn in the rain, it rested for quite a while before continuing on its journey. At least it had made it so far...

Always a pleasure.

Another soaked bird, this time a Northern Wheatear...

I saw 5 different birds...I think!?

Isabelline was also represented and I spent some time watching this individual, admiring its subtle beauty...

Cutey was still present and at one time decided to circle my car a few times at high speed. Just glad it didn't decide to kick it!

I drove many tracks back from the beach and managed to add Whitethroat (early) and Black Redstart (6)...

I also heard Black Francolin but couldn't find it. A decent session...considering.

I headed back towards Paphos but detoured to the Water Treatment plant in the hope of adding Spur-winged Plover (I prefer this name) which are resident here. One of those stake outs which seems an inevitability? After 45 minutes I was beginning to have my doubts...the weather? Anyway eventually a couple appeared in a less than aesthetically pleasing setting...

A beautiful bird though. I also saw my first Great Tits!

After lunch back at the ranch we headed out to Aspro' Dam, another site just East of Paphos. You get great views of the Island to the South from here, even on poor days...

...and North...

Dodging the heavy showers by not venturing too far from the car I managed to add Great White and Little they obligingly stood side by side...

They were joined later by a Grey Heron. A family looking over the wall then flushed the birds further out onto the sandy spit on the Eastern edge of the Reservoir. As Iwas scoping them another smaller bird came into view. The scale here is immense but it appeared to be a medium sized Wader. I did another small circular flight revealing the tell-tale wingbars of a Black-tailed Godwit...a scarce bird here...

As I was watching the bird through the scope a Peregrine swooped down and tried to take it! Needless to say the BTG departed and wasn't seen again! Chuffed to find it though. A pair of Great Crested Grebes were also present.

So, despite the inclement weather I managed to cobble together a decent day with some nice sightings. My pal Phil arrived today and I'm meeting him in the morning. Hopefully the forecast is wrong as another dodgy day is forecast. We'll think of something!

Trip List 46

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