
Friday 17 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 2


We're last. The usual familiarization issues have been mainly overcome! Our apartment is better than anticipated, so all is good with Louise...and therefore ...with me!!

Firstly back to yesterday. I thought I'd add a few pics from my brief visit to Mandria. Always nice to connect with a male Isabelline Wheatear, especially so on my first outing...

A dapper Northern was also present and more accommodating...

I spent some time with the Spanish Sparrow colony. They were mobile but kept returning to the same reeds were they fed...

bathed...and preened...

Also present was this rather cute youngster...

I also noted Spotted DoveRed-rumped Swallow (c10), Shag, Crested Lark, Hooded Crow, Meadow Pipit and Greenfinch.

This morning was taken up with our transfer but after lunch we headed to Anarita Park which is just NE of Pafos in the hills. After a brief detour we fond the right track and descended into the park...

It wasn't busy! 

This site is a regular haunt for Birders, as it has accrued an impressive list of Species over the years. Today was fairly quiet but I enjoyed a nice stroll around the tracks eventually enjoying 3 Sardinian Warblers...

As I was about to leave I had a last scan (yes, that old chestnut) for Wheatears (none seen) and there on a distant rock was this beauty...

Blue Rock Thrush

REALLY chuffed that I'd persevered for 3 hours in the same area and was rewarded with this gem at the "11th hour".

Rain forecast overnight and tomorrow morning. I'll be out from dawn hoping some goodies have been "brought down". Louise won't!

Trip List 27

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