
Wednesday 29 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 14

Blowing a hooley today, which obviously made Birding difficult/impossibe. We had a late start as I was feeling it after 2 days of driving distance. I had a go at Timi "Forest"!!!? You were right Phil...not even a small Wood. Trying to find cover was difficult as the trees here are thinly spread.  Miraculously I did see 2 Stone Curlews, This one trying to shelter from the Gale...

It was hard to hold the Camera still taking this pic. Next I tried below Asprokremmos Dam a historic location which used to have some excellent habitat. The pools here regularly attracted Crakes and Herons amongst other Species...

The Dam overflowed some Years ago destroying the habitat unfortunately. Nothing of note was seen here. We then drove up to the Dam and parked in the Trees. I spent 3 hours here looking for Flycatchers. One had been reported but there was some conjecture over which one. As I packing up at 5.30 I heard a shout from a memeber of the group present. I made my way down the path to the Dam and gave it another 20 minutes. I didn't see anything and left. Got you you thought I was going to see it lol!

So, a very quiet day "Birdwise" if not "Weatherwise". Well it can't be exciting all the time, can it? The slow day fitted in well as we're out for an "Indian in Cyprus" tonight!

To brighten this post up, here's a pic of a Cyprus Warbler I found at Cape Greco last only sighting so far...

Trip Total 119

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