
Tuesday 28 March 2023

Cyprus 23 - Day 13

Quick summary tonight as rather tired after another day out East. Phil's last full day. I picked him up at 7.25 and we made good time through Limassol as the traffic was thankfully lighter than anticipated. I'd planned to show him the Sites around Larnaca but an attempt at The Cuckoo proved too tempting! 

We headed for Lake Paralimni, which is North of Ayai Napa. On arrival we could see a few Twitchers milling about but there was no real focus. We parked, gathered our gear and started to check the area. The guy who found the bird was present. We gave it an hour but there was no sign of the bird. Phil did spot a gorgeous Woodchat Shrike though which was gracious enough to allow us to photograph it bounced in the wind...

Next it was Cape Greco. Unfortunately the wind had picked up and activity was limited. We did see a few Cyprus Wheatears and a Blue Rock Thrush. As we were leaving I picked up a lone Gull flying West. It was a fast disappearing Audouin's...

Phil got a diagnostic pic of the bill. Pleased to pic one out passing.

We then moved to an open area on the East side of the peninsula. It was also quiet but the views were again stunning...

Slightly bluer and clearer than Holmpton...

The Campsite was next but nothing again except for a calling Chukar (common here). I then received a message off Pete Wragg (many thanks) replying to my request for information on yesterdays Flycatchers. We tried the spot near the Visitors Centre but no joy there either.

Then a message...

Two Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters Phasouri Reedbed

I asked Phil if he was interested. After some deliberation he said yes. Before we left the area we tried for the Auduoin's Gulls at Kermia Beach. We found 6 and got good photos...

Another detour to Larnaca Salt Lake for Slender-billed Gull but this time we dipped.

After a couple of errors we arrived at the Reedbed around 4.30. We bumped into a Birder who told us they hadn't been seen since the initial sighting. No matter we birded for a couple of hours; highlights being Little Crake...

Squacco Heron (2)...

at the "middle hide. Then Kingfisher, Great White Egret (4)...

Spur-winged Plover (8) and Spoonbill (2)...

We saw them fly off at 6.30

at the Tower Hide. The Heron and Spoonbill was new for the Trip. 

A mixed day but some good birds seen in great company. 

Trip Total  119

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