
Friday 13 January 2023

Seen it all?

I'm now into my 36th year of watching NDC and I've had many memorable visits. Even at quiet times there's always the magnificent natural Vista to enjoy.

As part of my convalescence (finally shaking off the worst Virus I've had) I made my way over for lunchtime to enjoy the afternoon in the Geoff Smith Hide.

The air was clear and despite a couple of squalls, visibility was excellent. I was joined by a couple of convivial like-minded chaps which definitely added to the afternoon session.

We were treated to a "Raptor-fest" as we enjoyed Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier (3), Red Kite ...

...and a spectacularly hunting Peregrine.

The Carrs is slowly filling with Wildfowl now as it settles down for the remainder of the Winter and Spring. No Whooper Swans present though on this occasion. However the Lapwing flock was well into three figures and was regularly shuffled by the Peregrine. No Golden Plover though? A count of 72 Dunlin was also pleasing. The pair of Stonechats remain and continued to perform well.

I'd decided to stay till dusk to hopefully witness a phenomenon that I'd missed previously due to COVID. As the time approached 4 there was only Jim and I left in the Hide. We'd put the "World to rights" by now! The sky was clear and was starting to give that wonderful reddish hue to proceedings. The Carrs looked a picture...yet again.

Then, they appeared. Large numbers flying West, fast and low over the water in continuous groups. We surmised they were continuing West as there was no hint of a U-turn. How wrong we were! out of nowhere they ballooned up into the sky creating some amazing shapes. The Murmuration had begun. I'd finally seen this phenomenon at my special place...

These are images that will live long in the memory (hopefully!). We were stunned by the finale...

A Starling bridge over the River Derwent!!!

I said my goodbye's to Jim and we departed the car park happy.

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