
Monday 9 January 2023

On the up

I started pre-dawn at Welwick getting things off to a good start with Hen Harrier, Marsh Harrier and Barn Owl. No Snipe flushed though in the waterlogged fields, which was surprising?

I tried Skeffling and Spurn for SEO but no joy. Great views of Pintail at the former though. I had distant views of the Whooper Swan herd (37) at the latter on Easington Straight.

I'd intended to do a "day count" but I still didn't feel 100% so I took a more relaxed approach to the day. I will "have a go" at some point this Month. My 86 from last January will take some beating though.

On my way back along the coast road I had a surprise sighting...

A quick look on the sea produced a nice group of 4 RTD fairly close in. A couple of large white blobs got me interested until they turned out to be to floats, ditched by a ship no doubt. A couple of beach sprinters shot by...


The last couple of hours were spent down at Stone Creek, on a whim to be honest. The rotation of the fields down there affects the habitat of course and last year it wasn't conducive to Raptors, unlike the Year before when 2 Hen Harriers remained faithful to the Site. I was pleased to see on arrival that the area has been left "set-a-side" this Winter. I parked up and waited.

No Harriers unfortunately BUT I had great views of a Short-eared Owl which on one occasion flew right over my car! Always a pleasure to watch hunting...

I'll be back...

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