
Friday 23 December 2022

Nearly there!

That's Christmas and New Year!

Snakey Lane has been productive the last few days with large numbers of Lapwing present (c200). Curlews (c40) have also been present in decent numbers and are still present as I write. It's very unusual to see them here...

Great to have them providing interest whilst doing local commuting. There's still a healthy flock of Fieldfares (c200) present also. This morning I came across a small group of Yellowhammers (12), always a joy, especially on a gloomy day...

I had a drive up to Out Newton coming across another small flock of Fieldfares. One bird seemed detached from the group, glad I took another look...

Mistle Thrush

Always nice to see a Species in unusual circumstances. Sightings in the Village are always noteworthy. Last one was from the Paddock hedge and involved SIXTEEN Blackbirds feeding post-thaw...

Still time for a late addition to the Year List?

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