
Wednesday 21 December 2022


It was time for a change of scenery. So, yesterday I headed to my "other place" arriving at 10.

It was a clear pleasant morning. We had an initial walk down the boardwalk and there were plenty of Winter Thrushes present, although distant. I estimated c200 Fieldfares ...

and 50 Redwings...

After settling in the Geoff Smith Hide it soon became apparent that the thaw hasn't fully kicked in yet as 3/4 of the water present was still frozen. A cream crown Marsh Harrier was having a bathe at the far end (c 0.8 mile)...

The vast majority of the Wildfowl had obviously gone elsewhere during the big freeze. A Birder from Teeside then entered. He told me he'd been at Wheldrake and had walked down to Swantail. Same scenario apparently. He did mention he'd bumped into another Birder who told him there were 3 Bewick's Swans present at NDC at dawn! I should have...

We had a good chat before he left for Blacktoft Sands. Unfortunately just after he left I picked up the Hen Harrier (81) I was hoping to see. It had been present in the Valley for a while now but mainly at the North end. It was only in view briefly before flying West. Only my third record here. I also "had" a family of Whooper Swans (6). Great to see 4 juveniles having fun on the thin ice! 

I also had great views of a male the reedbed, eventually!

On of the local Buzzards perched on the riverside fence...

Time for the obligatory Mr C's chip butty in Selby. I returned for 2 for another session. There was another Birder in the car park. I said hello as I passed him and re-entered the GSH. He joined me shortly afterwards. Turned out it was Arnie Cowan. I hadn't seen him for years, it was great to see him again. We spent the remainder of the afternoon chatting and searching. He gave you a mention Vince. Hope you are well pal. I managed to relocate the Hen Harrier for him. The initial view was again distant and not helped by the thaw...

Luckily it eventually made a flight down the reserve towards Garganey Hide (would have been nice to have been in there). Still, I managed a few pics through the gloom...

I was hoping some Swans would come in at Dusk but alas this didn't happen. However, I did here a couple of Water Rails (82). The HH was the star turn though...

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