
Tuesday 15 November 2022

An even better day - considering!!!

The Forecast was for rain, lots of it, so up early and out along the Cliff with dark clouds looming to the West. It was immediately apparent that Wildfowl was "on the move". A very unusual pairing came in the form of a Shelduck and Brent Goose...

A first!

Plenty of Wigeon...

...and Teal...

...BUT could there be something more unusual amongst them? I returned to Seaside Road anticipating severe precipitation when a pair of small ducks flew right over my head. Tufted Ducks! I then picked out a few Shovelers through the gloom...

Red-throated Divers...

More Brents...

I also "had" a few Gadwall, a pair of Pintail and my first drake Pochard. I took Bud home as the rain increased and headed for the Sewage. Gavin was there, sat on his chair. I watched from the car for a while before heading home for a cuppa, passing Richard on the way! An excellent session. That bumps my Holmpton Year Total up to 129 with Pochard being a Village Lifer!

Maybe more to come tomorrow?

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