
Monday 14 November 2022

A decent day...considering!

Plenty of fog around "these here parts" the last couple of days. Yesterday was a write off BUT a lovely sunset was enjoyed on the traditional dusk walk...which definitely saved the day...

You knew it was coming...

This morning the three of us set off for a "good walk" into the fog around 9. Blackbirds lined the hedgerows indicating movement was still ongoing. Then a flock of c50 Fieldfares on Snakey. Decent numbers of Starling flocks also. After taking the Welwick Road off Snakey, we took the track that brought us out on Rysome Rd. This was the first time we'd done this walk and despite the limited visibility we enjoyed it. Yet more Fieldfares and Blackbirds were seen, busily feeding on the berries and a bonus Great-spotted Woodpecker. A good morning.

After lunch a Tesco visit was in order which meant a stop-off at the Sewage. This was a solo stroll. I walked South towards the Llama Farm. I'd only gone around 100yds when I spotted something interesting on the edge of the Cliff. It was what I was hoping for...

Snow Bunting

I was lucky as the bird had just landed and I was quick enough to get this shot before it disappeared over the Cliff edge.

I continued to the Farm where the two Stonechats were feeding in the distance...

On the return I was obviously scanning again for the SB. Sure enough it was back in the same area. I didn't want to disturb it but I managed a couple more pics...


After Tesco I drove to the South of the Village, parked up and waited. It was now 3.30. That's one of the few pluses of Winter can go "Owling" earlier! Sure enough at 3.45 the pair emerged from the building, one perching briefly on a wall...

I returned home for my lad and we walked down to the Cliff; it was now 4.30. The light had "gone" BUT I could see a raft of Ducks fairly close in. Using the camera as a "Night sight" I could make out some Wigeon quite clearly... some smaller silhouettes which had to be Teal. Handy! I estimated 150 birds in three groups...

Again, I'm impressed with how much light modern cameras can "grab". A much better day than anticipated...considering...

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