
Saturday 22 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 9 : Swift retribution

After yesterday afternoon's Swift double and much (understandable) conjecture over ID, I decided to hand around the Strand from Dawn in case one or both re-appearred. Oh and there was a lingering Osprey to search for.

I started by scanning across the Roads from Town Beach. Then at 8.43 a message on the WhatsApp...

Swift over Porthcressa

I got there as quick as I could and was pleased to see it very distantly over the Garrison. Within 2 minute had gone. There was no further sign. I did add Lesser Black-backed and Common Gull to the Trip List. After a coffee back at base I made the hike down to a misty Peninnis Head again for another Seawatch. There are lots of large Shearwaters in the South West approaches this Year. Unfortunately between 11 and 12 I couldn't find any. There were huge numbers late afternoon! I did add Guillimot to the trip list and I had great views of a Black Redstart on an adjacent rock...

Having left Louise in the flat I was surprised to see her appear behind me! We walked back together but failed to beat the approaching shower.

At 2pm another WhatsApp message...

Swift sp hanging around Garrison campsite

Time for another hike. I made it up to the Football pitch and waited. I reckoned a good open space was a good strategy...

I was joined soon after by Dick Filby and a few more Scilly stalwarts. For the next hour or so we tracked the bird (with the help of the Radio and WhatsApp) as it toured St Mary's. It was always distant but I had it in my bins most of the time. It spent a lot of time on Peninnis before returning across Porthcressa towards the Star Castle before it was lost to view. We decided to return along the road towards the Hotel. As we rounded the corner the bird appeared below us!!! For the next45minutes the ever increasing crowd was treated to a fantastic close show by a DEFINITE...PALLID SWIFT.

The bird performed brilliantly, flying below and above us at extremely close quarters. At times it passed right above optics required! I'm sure there are plenty of excellent photos of this Bird. Here are a couple of my modest attempts that hopefully give a flavour of the occasion...

Over Star Castle at 6pm taken from Town Beach

To give another example of "Scilly Magic"...the Birders returning from Bryher at 4.30 after seeing the BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER got straight of the boat to views of the PALLID SWIFT!!!

If I don't see some large Shearwaters in the morning...

Trip Total 69

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