
Friday 21 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 8

Half Time team talk...and Flat swap. The Osprey re-appeared at various locations early morning, inconveniently as we were moving our luggage! I made two brief attempts to connect at Town Beach and Porthcressa but failed on both occasions. I asked a Birder at the latter site on arrival if he'd seen it, he said he had but he looked less than pleased!?

By the time we'd settled in it was gone 11 and we went for a coffee in Town where I met another familiar face (for the second time) from the past...Russ from Hull. We'd twitched the BALTIMORE ORIOLE and AMERICAN ROBIN in 2003!!! We shared a few stories then I wished him well for the remainder of his Trip. He leaves tomorrow lunchtime on the Scillonian.

I visited Porthcressa early afternoon and just watched what came my way. I must admit to deciding on a "slower day" today and didn't fancy "yomping" around the Island! It's a holiday after all. The weather was amazing yet again...17C and sunny. The Bay looked a picture...

Taken from Little Porth

The tide was high and the Sea was rough, throwing plenty of seaweed high onto the Beach...

This attracted plenty of Waders including c50 Turnstones...

The surprise came in the form of a smart Greenshank, the first I'd seen at this location...

I also added Rock Pipit...

Little Porth, the adjoining small beach to Porthcressa, brought back great memories of watching a Red-throated Pipit and Nightingale here. I obtained the best views I've ever had of both Species here! 

The Osprey was reported returning to Tresco late afternoon, presumably to roost, so I may connect tomorrow. I'll also be trying again for the BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT/S. Oh, the Seawatch didn't happen this morning, I did the honourable thing and helped with the Flat move.

Trip Total 57

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