
Wednesday 19 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 6

Windy today...VERY windy...and early fog...A report of a Snow Bunting in the Peninnis allotments send me via...

Porthcressa Bay

I gave it 30 minutes but no sign. I bumped into Simon who I'd spent some time with at the ELEONORA'S FALCON twitch. I then walked through Old Town Churchyard...

...but nothing of note was seen. A quick scan of the Breakwater at Old Town Bay...

...produced more than met the eye... Little Egret, HeronGreenshank, Turnstone and Oystercatcher were all huddled down out of the gale force wind.

Still, there are plenty of areas to shelter...and search! I tried the Dump Clump for an hour...

...or so which produced a single Chiffchaff. I was quite pleased with that! You can't have American Warblers every day you know!

On the way to the Co-op for lunch I saw John Mahon again with his wife. It was their last day. I wished them well for the journey home and hoped to see him next year. After Lunch I made a second attempt for the AMERICAN BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT and had a second failure. It seems the Bird has a far ranging feeding area and despite extensive searching by a good number it wasn't seen again after the initial sighting...

I did bump into another Scilly regular Ian Mills and had a good chat. I rejoined Louise in Carreg Dhu but I didn't have another Firecrest sighting. We left at 4.30. Just as I'd got settled in the Flat...

MEGA Scilly PECHORA PIPIT St Mary's at Content Lane in rape field

I put the kettle on...and didn't select this one...I figured the combination of fading light and an extreme skulker wouldn't be worth the effort. Besides, I can't run anymore! It wasn't seen again by dusk. I did see the Filey bird. Maybe it will be there tomorrow?

Trip Total 50

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