
Tuesday 18 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 5

 Your intrepid ageing Birder was up at 7 and heading down to the spectacular Peninnis Head for Dawn and a S'watch...

There were a few others dotted about but I found a spot behind a rock out of the wind and sun...and watched till I got bored at 9.30. I added Great Skua, Kittiwake (6), Mediterranean Gull and Common Scoter. Alas, I couldn't pick out any Shearwaters...large or small amongst the hundreds of Gannets. I did enjoy it though...while it lasted!

I returned to the flat for the Birthday girl and we set off to have a walk around the Island. We stopped off at the Dump Clump and I gave it an hour but I couldn't find a YBW...again! Hardly surprising really...

We returned to the main road but as we turned we could see the weather closing in. It was getting windier and the visibility was deteriorating. That was enough for Louise to head for Town. I continued East.

News came through that the AMERICAN BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT had been seen again near Normandy corner. This was a fair hike but I decided to give it a go. After a good 30 minute yomp up and down dale, I arrived to find it had just been flushed by a Sparrowhawk! I bumped into another Birder who gave  me some more info' on location before settling down...again out of the strengthening wind, to scan the bulb fields. A few more turned up and all fields were being covered but there was no further sign of the bird...

I tried another lane and bumped into John Mahon. We'd met on Bryher and he'd told me his thrilling tale from last Thursday did Pete Greaves. It was good to see him again. He'd just found a Red-breasted Flycatcher that had promptly disappeared.

After saying goodbye I headed for the Longstone Cafe (another good hike via Holy Vale) as it was approaching 3pm and I needed refreshment...desperately! After re-fueling I made the thankfully short walk to Carreg Dhu Gardens to try for Firecrest...again. After around 20 minutes I finally got my brief but gorgeous view!

Trip Total 48

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