
Sunday 16 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 3 : MEGA seconds

Another beautiful Autumnal Day here on the "Fortunate Isles". It didn't take much deliberation to tempt me back to the idylic Island of Bryher for another appreciation of the wonderful BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER. Louise was happy to chill on St Mary's, so I made a solo stroll to the Quay...

The Sapphire was filling quickly but I manged to squeeze on. On arrival I retraced my steps from Friday and found the walk much easier. I must be getting fitter after a couple of days exercise? When I arrived at the site the group were obviously "on" the Bird. I reckon there was about 50 present...with a few more arriving. I joined the admirers and enjoyed the view. The Warbler was still VERY active and it was hard to get clear views for any length of time...but when you did!!!!!!

At one stage the bird was in full sunshine and low in the vegetation, which enabled the admiring crowd to get their pics...including yours truly. To enjoy this iconic record in leisurely circumstances was an occasion to be appreciated, which I feel I did, to the full. High on the "most wanted" list of British Ticks. The Birding Gods had truly shined on me. I'd dreamed of a "Big One" landing when I planned my visit earlier in the Year BUT to see it materialize has made the dream a reality.

At one stage I could hear Birders (a few granted) talking about the "next one". No...THIS is the one...for savour it. After having my fill I wondered up to Hell Bay to enjoy the spectacle of the breakers rolling in off the Atlantic. Quite a sight...

As I turned to return to the Quay I saw a Birder sat on the grass, it was Pete Greaves from Donny. A Scilly stalwart of FORTY EIGHT years! I'd bumped into him on previous visits but this time we had to him to chat at length on the way back to St Mary's. We shared stories of previous records and even Steam Trains plus what's wrong with the modern world...the boat trip wasn't long enough lol! He also shared a few gripping stories of some of his Scilly sightings including a couple of Spring visits that added TREE SWALLOW and CASPIAN PLOVER!!! I think I've previously mentioned his amazing Buzza Tower double of CLIFF SWALLOW and CHIMNEY SWIFT!!! I got him back with the 2020 INDIGO BUNTING. What a great bloke.

So to the Bird. I've tried hard to limit things BUT I just have to share a few more images of this crippler for posterity. I hope you enjoy them. I've tried to vary the settings, to again hopefully illustrate the elusive and agitated nature of the bird always, click or pull to enlarge...

The forecast is set fair for tomorrow and Louise wants to visit Bryher, so who am I to argue?

Trip Total 36

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