
Saturday 15 October 2022

Scilly 22 - Day 2

A quieter day...unsurprisingly...and thankfully, to be honest after two long hectic ones...I'm knackered! The combination of travel and emotional ups and downs has left me somewhat drained. Great fun though and a fantastic result with the BW.

This morning we had a stroll up onto the Garrison as a Common Rosefinch had been reported. I was going to go up there anyway so that fitted in well. On arrival at the Site there were only a couple of Birders present which was handy, as the viewing was difficult through a narrow gap in a hedge. The Bird had been popping up intermittently into a large Sycamore some 50 yards away. Fortunately after only 5 minutes it showed, although it remained obscured in the leaves...

We then walked down to Lower Broome Platform where we spent a pleasant hour, although nothing of significance was seen...

I always think I'll find something amongst the Sycamores here. I'll keep trying! After a coffee and a stop for provisions we went back to the Flat for a break. Around 2 we set off for...

...where a Firecrest...or two had been reported. Despite searching "the Jungle" for a couple of hours I couldn't find any...

The Boss was happy in the Sunshine. Dan Pointon and John Pegden passed through and we had a good chat before they moved on. They were going back on Skybus last thing. Around 4 we headed back towards Hugh Town. Louise went back to the flat while I did a loop of Lower Moors...great memories of my YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO twitch in 2019...

...Old Town Bay and the Dump Clump! I added GannetGreenshank and Whimbrel to the Trip List and I also had another group of Swallows (4), probably brought down by the showers...

As I was sat on the wall at Old Town Bay I heard the horn of the Scillonian; ten minutes later she came into view. A ship FULL of happy Twitchers riding the waves back to Penzance. So pleased for them after a nervous wait this morning due to late news coming out (10.06). I used to be one of the "Weekend mob" so I know the feeling well...

With my sea legs, I was just glad I wasn't on it!!! Tempted for second helpings at Bryher tomorrow but the forecast ain't great, so we'll probably stay on "Mary's" and keep our fingers crossed it stays till Monday!? I might take a peep at the controversial Snipe at Porth Hellick. Less than exciting though! What WOULD be exciting is if I FOUND something decent!!

Trip List 29

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