
Monday 5 September 2022

Whinchat - Yes!

We decided to have a stroll South from Sammy's this morning...for a change...I like a change! I spared Louise a slow, lingering death by not dwelling at the Paddocks or Bushes, despite a Wood Warbler being present. I did scrape a couple of Whinchats though.

We reached the Riverside but I didn't look for the Citrine Wagtail for the same reason; although she wouldn't have minded. I've seen one here before and also at Filey. I may have a peep tomorrow and combine it with the 3 RN Phalaropes?

The weather was fantastic, a warm 22c with a gentle breeze off the Humber. The views were extensive in all directions. We were out for a good couple of hours...

Around 3 I set out with Bud intending to give him a swim in the Sea to freshen him up. He's been having trouble with his skin almost certainly to do with the extended hot spell we've had. I then realized he didn't have a ball, having lost yet another, so I had a walk around the Cliff Paddock instead. Luck was with me as I turned to look at the boundary hedge. As I scanned I could see a couple of birds around 80 yards away perched on the tallest branches. They were characteristically fly-catching, returning to the same branch each time. They HAD to be Whinchats (H.113)..

No award winner but the super' CAN be seen...just!

I messaged Richard. They were in view for a couple of minutes before disappearing over the hedge into the Paddock. I walked the path and looped around into the Paddock but I couldn't re-locate them? Richard joined me but despite extensive searching they weren't seen again. After yesterday's "Dip" at the Sewage, this more than made up for it!

I don't usually go out at this time of day...maybe I should more often! It seems the birds just passed through quickly on their way South. All part of the "fun".

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