
Tuesday 6 September 2022

Sloooow Twitching

Made the early swim...for Bud that is! A Yellowhammer near the Cliff at the Runnel was unusual...

A few Dunlins and Ducks heading South. Nowt else but a nice opener on another warm morning.

After sorting him out back home I decided to finally have a couple of Hours down the road. First port of call was the defunct Riverside Hotel to try for the lingering Citrine Wagtail. I pulled up, walked around the back, joined 4 Birders and enjoyed great views of the bird feeding on the grass...

Forgetting all the plumage detail...what about that TAIL!

Next, it was back to Kilnsea Wetlands car park. The 2/3 Red-necked Phalaropes had been commuting between here and Beacon Ponds for a few days now. I asked a couple of departing Birders who informed me they were still present and on Beacon Ponds. When I reached the Ponds...

...I joined a small group who told me they had been close by the wall but had just flown out into the middle of the water! Rain was forecast but it still looked quite bright so I sat on the wall and waited.

3 Ruff kept me entertained giving superb close views...

Curlew Sandpiper was mentioned but I didn't see any. The RNP were always in view but very distant and their diminutive size didn't make things any easier. Still, it was great to see them feeding and preening together. The third bird must have moved on. They were active and mobile but remained distant. It was great to observe this Species at length though. Then, I got lucky. One bird flew closer, allowing me to get a decent pic...

A successful belated Twitch...

Patch 124, Spurn 92.

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