
Saturday 3 September 2022


I needed a few things from Hull yesterday, which meant a visit to Duff was in order. I arrived around 10. Richard had messaged me earlier to inform me he'd "had" a Redstart on Seaside Road. Having seen one last month I wasn't disappointed. 

Settling down in the GS Hide I surveyed the scene, enjoying once again the panoramic view North. The vegetation was lush making ground viewing difficult. Thinking my sightings were going to be mainly aerial!

Having more time these days, my strategy wil be to incorporate more Autumn visits to this wonderful site. Maybe I could add something to my List...a Redstart?

An enjoyable 4 hours was had incorporating both hides. As I approached Garganey Hide I heard a Chiffchaff which was eventually seen. Then a slim raptor caught my eye in the distance. A Marsh Red Kite...

The bird circled the fields to the West for a good 10 minutes before drifting off North. 

I spent a good hour down here. The other significant sighting was a Hobby which was hunting over the Northern perimeter of the reserve (c1000 yds). Chuffed to pick this dot out...

Having returned to GS I settled in for the final hour. An entomologist patrolling the scrape was a surprise, he did flush a couple of Snipe and a Mallard. Then a small passerine flew across...a REDSTART!!! Brief but conclusive. My word, I thought. A Patch Tick (159). My first addition for over 3 Years.

It was a quality, not quantity visit.

A couple of extras from recent jaunts. Checking through my pics I came across this interloper amongst the Oystercatchers. Never assume...


A VERY successful Family of Mute Swans at Patrington Haven...

SEVEN youngsters

Another one of the wonderful Wryneck soaking up the sun at Sammy's Point...

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