
Thursday 1 September 2022


Two plus Months of (controlled) anticipation in prospect...not forgetting my late Father-in Law's adage "Don't expect anything, then you won't be disappointed". I do try to be slightly more hopeful. 

Migrants are appearing with the usual early suspects including Greenish Warblers...Oh for one here!? Another Sand Plover sp appeared briefly further seems there are more and more of them!? Races NOT Species in my book.

Some species aren't THAT rare but they are definitely special in my book. One such species tempted me "down the road" this afternoon to help kick-off the Autumn Birding. I arrived at Sammy's Point around 2pm. I started the walk South past the first Paddock and joined a small group of Birders. The quarry had unfortunately disappeared into a bush, it was thought. 30 minutes past with no sign and I was definitely thinking it had "slipped out the back". This was confirmed when a shout went up from further North, back towards the Car Park. The bird landed a couple of times but didn't linger as one chap was rather too keen...if you get my drift...and the bird moved onto the flood bank near a bench. I just managed to fire a few off before it disappeared again...

I decided to have a walk round the Paddock, figuring I'd be close enough it it was re-located. Almost intermediately I saw a Pied Flycatcher... if to rub it was then chased by another! Around the corner, a Redstart...

Then a Whinchat...

Plus half-a-dozen Wheatears!!! Not bad in 10 minutes. Just like Holmpton!?

I returned to the flood bank but there was no sign of the Wryneck. I decided to wait a while longer. Sure enough it was re-located back at its original location. It was tucked up in the long grass against the fence. Despite waiting for a good 45 minutes it just wouldn't come out. No matter, it was having a I tried to point out!

Eventually it started to move along the grassy bank...

It then turned and came back along the fence allowing one more view... 

...before flying off across the Paddock and landing on a fence next to a Whinchat!

not a sight you see often!

Really glad I went down. A quality Bird. Might have to do it (slightly) more often. Still more satisfaction in a Village record but it's nice to spoil yourself...sometimes!

P.119, S.64

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