
Saturday 10 September 2022

Approaching THAT time!

A few thoughts whilst watching the Test Match...which is going rather well!

As we approach mid-September thoughts are inevitably focusing on what's to come Rarity/MEGA wise. Depending on your preferences I guess you'll have a few thoughts of your own. Personally, I WILL chase, with all my usual (diminishing) gusto, depending on Species and Location. The body is trying to keep up with the mind. I'd initially booked a week on Shetland but on reflection, cancelled my booking. I did this once before due to unavoidable circumstances...and missed a THICK-BILLED WARBLER!!! That's the way it goes.

I didn't enjoy last Year's visit, if I'm honest. OK, the Birds didn't appear, (although I did finish with my third RBG)...

...but that wasn't "it".

I found the large distances involved and the grim weather (granted Scilly can have some) far from conducive to a "good time ". Too much wasted time due to both (so much wind and rain and c3 hours from one end to the other!). Strolling and sailing the Islands fits the bill for me/us. Great exercise as well. Hope that doesn't upset anyone!? 

It seems that in general the "Young Guns" prefer Shetland whilst the "Old School" gravitate to Scilly. There's ALWAYS exceptions...of course! There's always Banter...but the birds don't listen. The "Scilly has had its day" line just doesn't wash, as the 2020 INDIGO BUNTING on St Agnes proved. Ironically, NOT a tick for me!

Having said that...I WILL be "up there" Twitch, if appropriate...but not to stay.

My adventure will be as far away as possible...yep...the "Fortunate Isles" with the good lady. A couple of weeks of bliss, just enjoying what turns up. I'm loyal. Many great memories. Maybe something will wait for me till I get off, like last year? If it doesn' be it, I won't be leaving early...although Louise would let me.

A reminder of why I go...HERE.

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