
Tuesday 13 September 2022

Autumn Equinox

Autumn is officially here on the 23rd but again Birds don't listen.They DO depend on wind direction though, at least the majority of the time. A drop or two of rain increase our chances of seeing a few or in Holy Islands case...a lot!!!

September 10th...

Not bad!

It was nice to see that decent numbers can still be seen in 2022, albeit far less frequently. The Migfest down the road has been and gone with a Pallid Harrier being the star of the show yesterday. The bird is possibly lingering at Welwick?

Inclement weather here today but I still saw a decent bird before as more rain set in...


Brighter tomorrow...

...and the Robins are force! I counted 15 from the Cottage to the Cliff (c300 yards and decreasing!). Arrivals...and...departures...but some not quite yet...with c 30 House Martins still attending nests at Intack (North end of Village). An inspiring sight!

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