
Wednesday 17 August 2022


Yes...I did one!

I'd seen the forecast BUT it wasn't planned. Just a last minute decision after walking Bud. A few encouraging messages tipped the balance. I could see the waves lashing the Sewage from Seaside Lane but I decided to head up there anyway around 8. I parked some 30 yards from the Cliff edge and set my scope up to view from my car seat. I was out of range of the waves...just!

The Withernsea yellow buoy is just under a mile out and is a good reference point. Visibility was fair, although the spray was significant. It soon became apparent that birds were on the move in a moderate North Easterly (20mph).

Distant Shearwaters in good numbers glided North in small groups. They looked dark in the conditions BUT they were Manx (P.114, H.106). Then a stockier bird, a Sooty (P.115, H.107). The steady stream of Manx continued unabated (plus another couple of Sooty) and was a fine sight, although they were distant.

Then something South, a couple of Arctic Skuas (P.116, H.108) Followed some 15 minutes later by another and a Pomarine (P.117, H.109). I was almost enjoying it! No, I was actually, it was a fine spectacle. enhanced by the lack of rain. Nice to get a few on the board early doors. By 10.30 it had dried up and I returned to watch the Test Match. By lunch I wish I'd stayed there!!!

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