
Saturday 20 August 2022

Precious Waders

The contrasts in habitats between Holmpton and (slightly) further South aka Spurn and the Humber Estuary is marked....and it's not weighted in the formers favour!

Yesterday started with a swim for my lad...

A few Teal headed South...

A juvenile Skylark tried its best to avoid detection on the allowed me to walk right past it...

I managed a glimpse of a young Willow Warbler in the lane on the way back the Cottage...

A stop off at "The Sewage" revealed a prial of Yellow Wagtails, one of which allowed me a snatch from the car window...

Late afternoon I took a walk around the Cliff Paddock ending up by the Cliff at the end of School Lane. The tide was out and I scanned the beach but I couldn't see anything...but I DID hear something...a Redshank (H.110)...

Note to self...look harder!

I sent a text to Richard and he arrived on his bike to complete a mini-twitch! A Year Tick for both of us...

The bird move North along a rocky channel. I walked round to Seaside Road but I couldn't re-locate it. I did discover 8 Sanderling and 6 Ringed Plovers.

This morning I witnessed my best ever movement of migrating Swallows whilst walking North to the second pill box. Birds were in view constantly and a conservative estimate would be c200. A marvelous sight!

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