
Saturday 13 August 2022

Claw back

An excellent surprise this morning as I left the Cottage. I spent a while in the lane (and the shade) scanning the hedges and trees. One particular tree was popping, albeit briefly. Not a regular occurrence here! It didn't last long but long enough to gain me a couple of belated Year ticks. Namely Garden Warbler (P.114, H.102) and Lesser Whitethroat (P.115, H.103)...

A snatch

A female Blackcap was also present. This was only my 5th record for GW. The distinctive sound of LW had not been heard in the Spring?

I walked the Cliff to no avail and circled the paddock only to discover a second Garden Warbler!! There you go.

To mix things up somewhat I'm going to grill the lane more this Autumn. It's the first line of proper vegetation off the Cliff. Just thought I'd share that with you!

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