
Friday 12 August 2022

Bits and Bobs

I thought I'd do a Post to tidy up a few odds and ends as I'm deleting some recent pic folders. 

Firstly just one more (promise) of the recent MEGA...

KELP (CAPE - vetula) GULL

The bird has moved on and would be an excellent re-find for someone?

Plenty of Swallow families moving South through the Village at the moment, with daily staging groups using the wires outside the Cottage...

Encouraging numbers of juveniles...

Decent numbers of Yellow Wagtails still about also...

A Grey Partridge on Snakey tried its best to convince me it was invisible...

My Marsh Harrier theory was enhanced when I saw 2 birds together over a distant crop through a strong heat haze...

One eventually ventured closer to the road and I managed a dodgy grab...

On the way back from Tesco, I stopped for a drink at the Sewage (I have news on this Site but more later). The tide was coming in and I could see some "clockwork toys" in the distance. Fortunately the waves pushed them my way...


3 Wheatears together this morning briefly on the first pill but no sign of the Redstart.

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