
Tuesday 26 April 2022

Texas 22 - Postponed

I've finally cracked...some say I did Years ago! To do this Trip justice I need more time...and energy. The balance of Birding, planning, blogging and "holidaying" needs to be redressed. I state here and now, no pressure from Louise whatsoever... I have a Diamond.

One last brief anecdote to give you a "feel" of this magical State...

Around 5pm it started to rain. It developed into a Thunderstorm. I nipped down to Corps Woods near the Ferry terminal. In 30 minutes before the heavens truly opened, I "had"...

Cape May Warbler - YES ANOTHER!!!
Blackburnian Warbler
American Redstart
Hooded Warbler

ALL in the same spot whilst sheltering from the rain...and I had them all to myself. Fantastic!!!

Superb to experience a "fall". Tomorrow could be interesting as the streets of Galveston are flooded...

I WILL complete on return and may post a few pics, if time allows. Stay tuned...

***Having slept on it, I've come up with a compromise. I WIll still post when time allows BUT the remaining FULL daily reports will be published on return. I still hope to give you a flavour of the remaining days***

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