
Monday 25 April 2022

Texas 22 - Day 13

Holiday Sunday, so time to find somewhere relatively quiet. I headed for the East end of the Island. Boddeker Road and East End Lagoon... 

The view across the marsh with Galveston in the distance...

Looking across to the Bolivar Peninsular...

Plenty of fishermen and people heading for the beach but I did OK. Another aspect of the trip is to explore other areas and hopefully fully appreciate some old ones? I enjoyed a very pleasant 3 hours in beautiful weather just strolling around, seeing what came my way...

Species added included Long-billed Curlew and Forster's Tern. I'm also doing an Island list for a bit of fun, as a significant number of species can be seen here...

I spent a few hours after lunch reviewing the trip and trying to decide the plan for the second half. It's going to be a balance between migration hotspots, target birds and giving Louise a great time. Not in that order of course!

We had a drive down Sportsmans Road looking for the elusive (at least to me) American Oystercatcher but no joy. The Egrets, Ibises and Herons are unbelievably tame here...

Great Egret

Yellow-crowned Night Heron

They are also stunning in their breeding finery...

Tricoloured Heron

Whilst scanning for the AO a bonus bird came into my view...

My first RBM

We spent the last couple of hours down at Rettilion rd. Bobolinks were seen today...but not by me. A fading Osprey was a fitting finish to the day...

Trip Total...174 species

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